Diary Entry 1:
Journey into KK’s Gen X Life: Rediscovering Yourself After Life Got in the Way
I’ve spent my whole life trying to find my niche. Where do I fit in? What group do I belong to? But I could never quite figure it out. I’m a little bit boho, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, a little dark fairy tale, with practical magic vibes mixed with a love for all things 1980s. (I just realized I might want to be Stevie Nicks, lol.)
For years, I wasn’t being my true self. I was someone else to fit in with one group and another persona with another group. I was embarrassed to share my likes and feared being judged for dressing and wearing my hair and make up the way I wanted. But something happened when I turned 40—I stopped caring about what people thought. For the first time in my life, I was being my authentic self. If people didn’t like it, too bad. I let go of my sense of embarrassment and self-consciousness.
I spent so many years going to school and working, dealing with life’s challenges and family life (and working). I forgot that young Gen X kid I used to be—the one with dreams of being a writer and owning a little magical eclectic shop in a cozy, artsy town. The one who wanted to learn Reiki and spend all day reading, listening to music playing with her animals. One day, it occurred to me that I could do just that. Time isn’t stopping, and I need to finally live the dream I nearly forgot about.
So, I’m going back to my dreams—slightly reimagined to fit my life right now. I’m starting with this blog. It’s a way for me to start writing again, a way to reconnect with who I was, and connect with those who are on the same journey.
I’m sure many of our life stories have common themes, even though our paths are unique. I created this website so we can all connect, share, and learn from each other. I really hope you will join me. I plan on sharing some of the things in my life that spark joy, new experiences that I’m trying, and some that I’m trying to find my way back to.
You may not love the same things I do or have the same style or aesthetic—and that’s okay! We all bring our uniqueness to the world, and I’d love to hear about what brings happiness to your life.
I’ve had quite the career journey. I started with an Exercise Science degree and became a massage therapist because I’ve always been into holistic healing. Then I changed gears and followed my love for cosmetics and beauty, working for some popular makeup and skincare brands. I pivoted again after a few years and became a registered nurse, got my master’s degree, and shifted my focus to quality and patient safety. That’s where I am now, but I still miss all the other “me’s” along the way.
Recently, I’ve taken a beginning Reiki course and will continue to become proficient so I can help people and animals be mentally, spiritually, and physically balanced. I might not have that old Victorian house in a quaint little town to sell unique and fantastical items out of, but I’m starting here—I’ll create links on this page to some of my favorite things!
I might not be writing the novel yet, but I’ll write for all of you and talk about things we face as Gen X women. I’ll share things that work for me, things I’m trying out, and things I’m learning from. And of course, I’ll also reminisce about the good old days in the ’80s and ’90s.
I’ll do it all with help from my little wire fox terrier, Bowie, my Pawsitivity Pup. If any of this sounds like fun, I invite you to join me. I’ve never had a big social media presence (all of this is new to me), but I’m going to try posting on TikTok, YouTube, BlueSky, and Pinterest as well.
Please send me some good vibes for my new initiative, and I’ll put out the same for you!
Until next time, friends.